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Picture of Sanitary Back Pressure Regulator

Mark 95 Series

Manual, Low to High Flow, Sanitary Back Pressure Regulator

Picture of an air loaded sanitary pressure regulator

Mark 95A Series

Fully Automated, Low to High Flow, Normally Open, Jorlon Diaphragm

Picture of a Sanitary Air Augmented Back Pressure Regulator

Mark 95AA Series

Hybrid or Automated, Low to High Flow, Jorlon Diaphragm

Picture of a Sanitary Back Pressure Regulator

Mark 95FT Series

Manual, Flow-Through Body, Low to High Flow, Jorlon Diaphragm

FD Series Sanitary Back Pressure Regulator

FD Series

Excellent Stability Over A Wide Flow Range; Smooth Computer Automation;
Precision Pressure or Automated Flow Control

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How do sanitary back pressure regulators work?

Sanitary back pressure regulators are a type of valve that maintains a defined pressure upstream of its own inlet and allows any excess pressure to vent through. When the pressure at the inlet of the regulator exceeds the setpoint, the force on the sensor forces the valve up to allow any excess fluid and pressure to flow through.

If the fluid flow is low, the regulator only opens slightly to release pressure, whereas if the fluid flow is high, the regulator will open further to maintain the right amount of pressure.

Benefits Of Using Steriflow Sanitary Back Pressure Regulators

Some benefits of using a Steriflow sanitary back pressure regulator include:

  • There is less offset. As the flow increases, the pressure rises.
  • Most reliable product offering with the industry’s only guaranteed (lifetime) warranty on the Jorlon diaphragm.
  • Steriflow has the only back pressure regulator that does not guide the inlet waterway. Instead, we guide above the diaphragm completely. If the stem is rubbing in the inlet, then microparticles will occur every time the stem moves to regulate. Will eventually contaminate the process.
  • The lowest Cvs (Kvs) in the industry.
  • The lowest standard pressure setpoints.
  • The broadest range of manual and automated configurations.
  • A longer lifespan than competitors who use a laminated EPDM or PTFE diaphragm that doesn’t last on clean steam.

For more information or guidance on selecting a sanitary back pressure regulator, get in touch with our team.

Applications For Sanitary Back Pressure Regulators

Our sanitary back pressure regulators are ideal for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Some different applications for our back pressure regulators include, but are not limited to:

  • Be used primarily downstream on TFF system as a retentate line
  • Be used immediately downstream of the pump to optimize pump performance
  • Bypass flow in the event of a sudden rise in pressure in the inlet side of the valve

Contact us for more information on the different applications of our sanitary back pressure regulators.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I need a reference guide showing the quick specs of sanitary back pressure regulators?

Download or preview our sanitary back pressure regulator data sheets and IOMs.

If you know the inlet pressure (P1), the outlet pressure (P2), and the flow, our team can help you size and select the right sanitary back pressure regulator.

2. What is the CIP/SIP compatibility for your sanitary back pressure regulators?

Our sanitary back pressure regulators have complete compatibility. CIP are usually caustic (alkaline), acid, or oxygenating agents. Therefore all our materials are compatible. Since SIP is just clean steam, therefore, no one will have a compatibility issue with SIP.

3. Which type of sanitary back pressure regulator is used most often?

Our most popular sanitary back pressure regulators are the Mark 95 Series, Mark 95FT Series, Mark 95A Series, Mark 95AA Series, and the Mark 95LL Series.