Read about our products, industry standards, questions posed by customers, problem solving and much more.

J-Series Clean Air and Gas Regulators: Point of Use Clean Gas Regulator Basics
How do standard POU regulators function? What are the basic components?

J-Series Clean Air and Gas Regulators: Self-Relieving Regulators explained
What is a Self-Relieving regulator? What function does the Self-Relieving option provide? Why would you choose that option? Let’s take a look and find out.

How Does CIP and SIP Influcence Regulator and Control Valve Selection?
It’s fairly straightforward to size and select a valve for dedicated WFI or clean steam applications, however it's not that simple for valves in process applications.

Why do Business with Steriflow Valve? What Separates us from other Valve Companies?
Industry experience and innovation is certainly one reason.

Why are Diaphragms so Important for Sanitary Regulators and Control Valves
The major wearing component in a regulator or control valve is the diaphragm, and the cost of a diaphragm failure can be catastrophic.

What is the Best Way to Minimize Pariculate in a Clean Air or Gas Stream?
First, do not specify NPT connections if you are worried about particulate.

Should I Specify a Diaphragm Seal or an O-Ring Seal for my Control Valve?
The answer depends on the process media and the end user engineer preferences for that media.

Does the FDA Approve Thermostatic Bellows Element Fill in Sanitary Steam Traps?
The FDA does not actually "approve" any manufacturers' valve, steam trap, steam trap bellows fill or any other component.

J Series Valve on Fermenter Sparges Ammonia Gas
Not all valves in pharma and biopharma plants are for hygienic or sterile applications.

WFI Distribution End of Loop Pressure Control
When you need a back pressure control valve (BPCV) at the end of a WFI loop.

Preventative Maintenance for a Sanitary BPRV
Preventative maintenance depends on the customer. Some run to failure while others change out every 2 years.

Can Steriflow Valves Be Made Out of Alloy Materials?
Our standard is to use barstock, so if the material is barstock, it can be used.

What is the Maximum Flow Rate of a Mark 978 Control Valve?
A commonly asked question is what is the maximum flow rate of our Mark 978.

How to Minimize Offset on Clean Air and Gas Applications
Factors that can be controlled during project design and specification to reduce offset.

What Factors Influence Offset and the Amount of That Offset?
Some factors are intrinsic to all regulator designs, but other factors can be controlled by regulator selection or option specification.

What is PRV Offset (Droop) and Why Does it Occur?
All pressure reducing valves exhibit a drop inset point pressure (Offset, Droop) as flow through the valve increases.

New Solutions For SIP Design For Larger Vessels
A product designed for vessel drains can simplify vessel drain piping, improve SIP heat up time and efficiency and lower CAPex.

Special SIP Applications for Large Vessels
How Process Design Engineers have traditionally designed the outlet tubing of large vessels to accommodate clean steam sterilization.

What are the Cracking Pressures for SVC/SHC Sanitary Check Valves?
Need to know the cracking pressures available for our springless sanitary check valves?

What is a Sanitary Subcooled Condenser?
What are the benefits of a sanitary subcooled condenser and how does it work?

What Are Some Tools to Mitigate Common SIP Problems?
What do SIP problems have in common? Lost production and revenue!

What Is Sanitary Balanced Port Thermostatic Steam Trap Operation?
Why do SIP temperature validation alarms, or faults, occur? How does thermostatic steam trap operation affect the occurrence of temperature validation faults?

What Are the Fundamentals of Process Equipment Steam Sterilization (SIP)?
What are some fundamentals of process equipment steam sterilization and the operating principles of sanitary balanced port thermostatic steam traps?

Validation Temperature Faults Caused by Adjacent Trap Failure
Why do validation temperature alarms occur? How does thermostatic steam trap operation affect temperature validation?